Nixle: Forward to a Friend


Why does a Nixle message end with "Reply with a friend's # to forward"? What is Nixle's "Forward to a Friend" feature?

Can any Nixle message be forwarded?



"Reply with a friend's # to forward" will only show in messages containing 100 characters or less that are sent to the Nixle Wire group.

The "Forward to a Friend" feature lets recipients of Nixle Wire group messages respond to the "Reply with a friend's # to forward" prompt to send the message to a friend.

If a recipient responds to a Nixle Wire message not containing the "Reply with a friend's # to forward" with a phone number, the recipient will receive the following message: "To forward this msg from {Agency Shortname} to {phone number}, reply YES. Your friend will receive this msg and an invite to subscribe."

If a recipient responds to a message not containing the prompt with "FWD" and a phone number, the recipient will receive the following message: "Your invitation to {Agency name} has been forwarded to {phone number}. Your friend will have to reply YES to start receiving Alerts."

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