Nixle: Not Receiving Email Publications



Not receiving Nixle email publications.

Root Cause:

Email delivery issues are caused by any of the following:

  1. Registered with the incorrect email
  2. Email address not registered
  3. Nixle emails rejected by server
  4. Email address rejected as unsafe sender


1. Registered with the incorrect email  2. Email address not registered
  • If originally the account was registered by text message, confirm that an email address was associated with the account by logging into
  • Select the Settings tab from the right-hand side.
  • Ensure an email address is showing in the email field, if not enter the email. 
  • Select Save.
3. Nixle emails rejected by server
  • If the email is being received by a work domain, the Nixle address may be blocked by the email server.
  • Contact your IT team to ensure the Nixle email is on the allowed list for the email server. 
4. Email address rejected as unsafe sender
  • Some personal email address providers mark emails as unsafe senders when emails are sent with links.
  • Contact your email provider to find out how to add Nixle to the list of safe senders for your account. 
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