Nixle: Troubleshooting Failed Nixle Contact Uploads


Troubleshooting Guide to Contact Upload Errors in Nixle


When a CSV file containing contacts is uploaded to your Nixle agency, an email containing the import results will be sent. An error message will be displayed for any failed uploads. See the table below for explanations of common issues and steps to resolve them.



Troubleshooting Steps

You must include an email, a phone number or both.

If you have confirmed that at least one of the required columns is populated for your contacts, confirm that the headers in the upload template have not changed. If a header is changed, none of the values will upload for that column.

The headers must be:

  1. Full Name
  2. Home Phone Number (Voice)
  3. Mobile Phone Number (SMS, Voice)
  4. Email
  5. Zip
You must include an email, a phone number or both.

Contacts that only include a name will not be uploaded. Confirm that all of your contacts have at least one of the required columns populated:

  1. Email
  2. Mobile Phone Number (SMS, Voice)
  3. Home Phone Number (Voice)

NOTE: The Voice dialing feature is only available for the Nixle 360 platform.

No contacts imported Blank templates that are uploaded will fail. Confirm that you are loading a template with data, and not an empty template.

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