IPAWS Publishing Status Values



Nixle: IPAWS Publishing Status Values.


The following table lists Nixle IPAWS publishing status values.


Publishing Status Message

Everbridge Status Description


Training mode enabled - message not sent to CMAS/WEA

Training Mode has been enabled and the message will not be sent to CMAS/WEA. (Commercial Mobile Alert System/Wireless Emergency Alert)


Message Submitted to Mobile Phone Providers

The message was accepted by the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) network and successfully transmitted to mobile service providers for transmission.

100 Series - CMAS Dissemination Status

100 - 199

CMAS/WEA Error - Contact Everbridge

The message was rejected due to an unavailable Commercial Mobile Service Provider (CMSP) gateway.

200 Series - CAP Exchange Status Messages


Message has been CAP validated

The XML document passes the first set of conformance tests.


Error with Notification ID - Contact Everbridge

IPAWS received an alert message which contained a notification ID that matched a previous message's notification. The likely cause of this was due to the Everbridge application including the incorrect notification ID.


Message signature accepted by CAP Exchange

The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Exchange indicates that the digital signature is valid.


Message missing reference - Contact Everbridge

The CAP Alert message is missing the reference element.


Signature not valid - Contact Everbridge

The digital signature sent to IPAWS is not valid so the message cannot be sent.


Message references expired alert

The message wasn't sent because the referenced CAP Alert message has expired.


Circle included with message is not valid - Contact Everbridge

The point and radius circle configured in Everbridge is not formatted correctly. It may be necessary to reset the circle before the message can be delivered.


Circle or polygon is outside of authorized geographic area

The <area> block <circle> and/or <polygon> element does not fall within the geographic area of authorized FIPS or Marine Zones. The shape needs to be redrawn before the message can be delivered.


Not authorized for selected event code

The event code selected is not available to the collaborative operating group (COG) profile configured. An authorized event code must be selected before the message can be delivered.


Polygon included with message is not valid - Contact Everbridge

The polygon configured in Everbridge is not formatted correctly. It may be necessary to redraw the shape before the message can be delivered.


Error with dates in message - Contact Everbridge

The date for the alert message was not entered into the date field in the proper format. The likely cause of this was due to the Everbridge application not using the correct date format.


Referenced update or cancel alert not found - Contact Everbridge

The message wasn't sent because it may be referencing an invalid CAP Alert message.


CAP Message not authorized for selected geographic area

The SAME/geocode element does not fall within the geographic area of authorized FIPS or Marine Zones. The geographical area specified needs to be updated before the message can be delivered.


Message Error - Contact Everbridge

The Everbridge application is including restricted characters in the identifier and the sender element.


SAME Code error

The SAME/geocode element is invalid either because it is not 6 digits, or because it contains an invalid value.

300 Series - Core IPAWS Profile Status Messages


Message Status was TEST and message not sent to CMAS/WEA

A message with a "Test" status will not be sent to the WEA network. Setting a message's status to "Test" is helpful when testing the IPAWS feature or when training a new user.


Message Error - Contact Everbridge

The Everbridge application experienced a delay of more than five minutes before it could send the message to the IPAWS-OPEN aggregator, which resulted in the message failing to send.


Invalid FIPS - Message not accepted by CMAS/WEA

The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code used in conjunction with the message is either invalid or is not within the client's geographical jurisdiction.


Credentials Error - Contact Everbridge

The Everbridge application was unable to complete the digital signature required to send the document to the IPAWS-OPEN aggregator. The likely cause of this was an incorrect password for the digital certificate file, an IPAWS-mandated change to the digital signature specification, or there was an issue with the digital certificate file itself.


Referenced message for Update/Cancel is expired

The message selected for the update or cancellation has expired.


IPAWS rejected message; Not authorized for broadcast

The alert originator COG is not authorized to broadcast. The likely cause of this code is that either the user is not authorized for broadcast or the COG ID is zero.


IPAWS rejected message; Invalid Event Code used in alert

The event code used for IPAWS dissemination is invalid; please select a valid event code.


IPAWS rejected message; Invalid scope value

IPAWS has rejected the message because the "scope" value entered is invalid.


IPAWS rejected message; polygon is outside authorized zone

The message was rejected by IPAWS due to one or more shapes representing an area or areas that are outside the client's geographical jurisdiction as defined by their Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with IPAWS.


IPAWS rejected message; invalid circle shape

The message was rejected by IPAWS due to a circle shape selection not following the IPAWS specification. The likely cause of this was the Everbridge application failing to define the shape's point and radius.


IPAWS rejected message; invalid polygon shape

The message was rejected by IPAWS due to a polygon shape selection not following the IPAWS specification. The likely cause of this was either the Everbridge application failing to define the shape's lines, or the polygon itself was drawn with overlapping lines, or overlapped a different selection shape.


Referenced alert not found

The alert message referenced cannot be found in IPAWS.

400 Series - NWEM Status Messages


Message has been validated for NWEM

The message content has been validated for NWEM (Non-Weather Emergency Message).


Message not sent to NWEM

The message was not sent due to an NWEM channel error such as channel blocking.


Message missing required "EAS-ORG" value

The message was not sent via NWEM because the "EAS-ORG" parameter was missing.


Required reference number missing for update/cancel message

The message cannot be updated or cancelled because the reference number is missing.


Required language value missing - Contact Everbridge

The required language value is missing.


Required effective value missing - Contact Everbridge

The message cannot be sent because the required "effective" value is missing.


Required Sender Agency Name value missing

The value for "sender name" is missing; please ensure that the sender name value is correct before resending.


Required Headline value missing.

The value for "headline" is missing; please ensure that the headline field is correct before resending.


NWEM system error

The NWEM system is currently unavailable.


NWEM message not authorized for selected geographic area

The SAME/geocode element does not fall within the authorized geographic area for the user. The geographical area specified needs to be updated before the message can be delivered.


Required Time Zone value missing

The value for "time zone" is missing; please ensure that the time zone value is correct before resending.


Not authorized for selected Event Name

The user is not authorized to send alerts for the entered event code. Please select an authorized event code before resending your message.


Required Affected region value missing

The SAME/geocode element is invalid either because it is not 6 digits, or because it contains an invalid value.


Referenced NWEM alert for update not found

The referenced NWEM alert for the update message was not found.


NWEM Not authorized for entered SAME code

The SAME code entered is not authorized for NWEM messages. Please enter an authorized SAME code.


Invalid parameter value - contact Everbridge

There is an invalid value in parameter element.


Invalid CAP format - Contact Everbridge

There are invalid or multiple info blocks in CAP message.


Invalid Language Value - Contact Everbridge

The value entered for language is invalid.


Invalid Event value - Contact Everbridge

The event value sent was invalid.


Invalid Response Type value - Contact Everbridge

The value send for response type is invalid.


Invalid Event Type - Contact Everbridge

The value for event code is invalid. Please ensure that the event codeselected is correct.


Selected Event Type not valid for geographic area

The selected event type is not valid for geographic area.


Selected Event Type not valid - Contact Everbridge

The event code value sent does not match user selected event type.


Selected Event Type not valid - Contact Everbridge

The event code value is invalid.


Invalid expiration value -Contact Everbridge

The value in the expires field is invalid.


Invalid effective value - Contact Everbridge

The effective value is invalid.


Invalid Onset value - Contact Everbridge

The onset value is invalid.


Invalid Sender Agency Name value

The sender agency name is in the NWEM accepted format.


Invalid value in Message to Public - special characters are not accepted

The message is not in NWEM accepted format. Please reformat the message so that it is in NWEM accepted format.


Invalid Timezone value -Contact Everbridge

The value selected for time zone is invalid.


Invalid Headline value

The value for headline is invalid. A possible cause is that the headline is over the 160 character limit.


Invalid Affected Area value

The value for affected area is invalid. Please ensure that the SAME code value in settings is correct.


Missing Description value

The value for description is missing. Please ensure that the description value is correct.


Not authorized for NWEM alerts

The COG ID is not authorized for NWEM alerts.


Unable to reach NWEM service

The system was not able to connect to the Hazcollect server.


Missing Source value

The value for source is missing. Please ensure that the value for source is correct.


Only one SAME code is accepted per NWEM alert

There are multiple geocodes per area block. Only one SAME code is accepted per NWEM alert.

500 Series - EAS Specific Status Messages


Message has been validated for EAS

The message has been validated for EAS (Emergency Alert System).


Message not sent to EAS

The message was not sent to EAS due to channel blocking or a similar error.


Missing Parameter value - Contact Everbridge

A parameter value is missing.


Invalid Parameter value - Contact Everbridge

An invalid value submitted to IPAWS under parameter.


Invalid Parameter value for Must Carry - Contact Everbridge

There is an invalid parameter value for must carry.


Invalid mime Type value - Contact Everbridge

Invalid value submitted to IPAWS under mime type.


Expires time not accepted - Contact Everbridge

The expires time exceeds the limit of 99.5 hours.


Required value missing from Message to Public field

The value for for Message to public field is missing. Please ensure that the value entered in the message to public field is correct.


EAS system error

A system error has occurred within the EAS service.


EAS not authorized for entered event code

The selected event code is not authorized for EAS. Please select an authorized event code for EAS.


Referenced update message not found

The referenced message for update was not found.


EAS not authorized for entered Impacted area (SAME Code)

EAS is not authorized for entered impacted area. Please verify the SAME code.

600 Series - CMAS Specific Status Messages


Message successfully sent by CMAS/WEA

The message passed validation tests and was accepted by the mobile service provider gateways for transmission.


CMAS/WEA Error - Contact Everbridge

The message was rejected by WEA. The likely cause of this was either the Collaborative Operating Group (COG) ID is blocked from using WEA, or the IPAWS application was unable to deliver the message to WEA.


Message Error - Contact Everbridge

The Everbridge application is incorrectly populating the response type field in the XML document.


CMAS/WEA rejected message; URL or phone number in message

The message was rejected by WEA. The likely cause of this was one of the following:

  • the message contained more than 90 characters
  • the message text contained a web address or a phone number


Message error - Contact Everbridge

The Everbridge application is incorrectly populating the language field.


Update not available for selected WEA message

The update is not available for WEA message with invalid values.


Invalid Event Name value

The event code is invalid for CMAS dissemination.


Invalid value in Polygon - Contact Everbridge

The polygon submitted is invalid. A possible cause for this issue that that there is a limit of no more than 100 elements per polygon.

608, 611

Client not authorized for CMAS/WEA messages; contact IPAWS PMO

The COG ID attempting to send the message is not approved to send CMAS/WEA messages.


Message Error - Contact Everbridge

The message will not be able to be sent if the Message to Public field is left empty. The Message to Public field is required and must be submitted to IPAWS.


IPAWS System Error - Contact Everbridge

The cause of this error is unknown at this time.


Message Error - Contact Everbridge

The message can not be set to expire more than 24 hours after it has been sent.


Not WEA authorized for selected Event Name

The event name selected is not authorized for WEA messages. Please select an authorized event name.


Invalid Parameter format - Contact Everbridge

An invalid format was submitted in the parameter field. The CMAMtext parameter name has the incorrect case for example it is not exactly typed as "CMAMtext".


Message in Spanish submitted to WEA

The message in Spanish was successfully submitted to WEA.


Message in Spanish not submitted to WEA

The message in Spanish was not submitted to WEA.


Not authorized for selected Affected Region (SAME Code)

The message is not authorized for selected affected region. Please ensure that the SAME code is authorized.

800 Series - Public Non-EAS Specific Status Messages


Message successfully sent to Public Feed

The message was successfully sent to the public feed.


Message not sent to Public Feed

The message was not successfully sent to the public feed. Possibly due to channel blocking or it might not be authorized for public feed.


Public Feed system error - Contact Everbridge

There is a system error with the public feed and the message was not sent.


Not Public Feed authorized for selected Event Name

The message sender is not authorized for the event code was selected. Please select an authorized event name.


Update message referenced now found - Contact Everbridge

The CAP alert update message referenced was not found in IPAWS.


Not Public Feed authorized for selected Affected Region (SAME Code)

The message sender is not authorized for entered SAME code. Please verify the SAME code before resending the message.

900 Series - Everbridge Status Codes


Message failed - Contact Everbridge

The message was successfully signed but could not be sent to IPAWS for validation.


Message delayed - Contact Everbridge

The message is "stuck" in the outbound queue.


IPAWS Service Unavailable - Contact Everbridge

The Everbridge application is unable to connect to the IPAWS-OPEN aggregator gateway.


For a glossary of the commonly used terms and acronyms found in the table and other IPAWS information, please reference the following documents:

If you have questions or for additional assistance, please contact Everbridge Support.

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