Nixle: RSS Feeds

Sample Visual

*Sample visualization of agency website using an RSS feed

What is an RSS Feed?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format.

How Does an RSS Feed Work with Nixle?

The RSS feed is a list of the Agency’s publications, returned with an XML header.

Nixle makes available, for free, an RSS feed of your Nixle Agency’s publications (Alerts, Advisories, and Community). It is included in Nixle Engage and Nixle 360 packages only, and only those Agencies that have a Nixle Wire Group will be given the URL to access.

How Do I Obtain the RSS Feed Link?

Request RSS Feed Link from Everbridge. Your Agency will receive a unique URL (based on your Agency ID) that shows active publications.

Where is the Feed Displayed?

The feed, with your unique URL, is displayed at either:


Note: No other private/public group messages will appear in this field, ONLY the Nixle Wire.  The URLs above are not valid until appended with your Agency ID.


*TIP: XML is best viewed in Firefox

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