National Weather Service (NWS) Message Rebroadcasts



How can National Weather Service (NWS) messages be automatically rebroadcast for my agency?


  • The National Weather Service feature is only available on the Nixle Engage and the Nixle 360 platforms.
  • By default, National Weather Service Warnings are configured to have no blackout time. National Weather Service Advisories and Watches have a default blackout time of 10 PM to 8 AM.
  • The Voice Message and Nixle Dial checkboxes are only available on the Warnings page for the Nixle 360 platform.

The National Weather Service (NWS) rebroadcast feature is available for the Nixle Engage and Nixle 360 platforms. Rebroadcast settings can be managed by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Nixle account
  2. Choose Message Center from the menu bar
  3. Choose Rebroadcasts from the sub-menu
  4. Choose the desired NWS rebroadcast type from the left-hand panel
  5. Check the NWS events to send to your agency subscribers


  1. Select the Message Type
  2. Select how to Reach Recipients by
  3. Select the Message Recipients
  4. Optionally under Geographic Filtering
    1. Toggle on/off Only include contacts with a location saved with Nixle
    2. Select a Sensitivity Setting (High, Medium, Low)
  5. To set a time range for SMS and Email / Web Message rebroadcasts to not be sent ("blackout time"):
    1. Under Don't send SMS or Voice Messages during these hours:
    2. Check Turn off from.
    3. Set the time range.
    4. Select Save.
  1. To avoid notifying contacts outside your agency's jurisdiction, you can select which Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) codes the NWS rebroadcasts will automatically target.
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