Nixle: Creating New Nixle Connect Messages


How do I create a new message using the Nixle Connect platform?


To create a new message, log in to the account at and follow the steps listed below:

  1. From the agency's home page, choose Message Center from the menu bar, or Create Message from under Quick LinksNixle Message Creation
  1. Choose the Message TypeNixle Message Type Bar
Nixle SMS Message Box
  1. To send a SMS (text) message, check the corresponding checkbox and enter the message. All SMS messages are limited to 138 characters.

In order to include a web link with your SMS message,the SMS message can not exceed 117 characters. A web link needs 21 characters to be included. The web link is a link to the Web Message. See Step 4 for more information on Web Messages.
Review the Nixle: SmartPath FAQ for more information. 

Nixle Email Message Box
  1. Messages can be sent as an email and post to the Nixle web page. To include an email and web message with the SMS message, check the corresponding checkbox. Enter the Email & Web Message Subject and the Email & Web Message Body. Email and web messages are limited to 20,000 characters.
  2. To include an image in the email and web message, select Choose File and browse for the file to attach. Attached files can not exceed 10 MB in size.
Nixle Incident Location And Contact Information Box
  1. To include an incident location, click the corresponding checkbox next to Include incident location. Including incident location helps provide geographic details to your subscribers.
  2. Choose Verify Address to ensure the location information has been entered correctly.
  3. To include contact information, click the corresponding checkbox next to Include contact information specific to this message.
Nixle Wire Recipients Group Check
  1. Click the corresponding checkbox next to Nixle Wire (Main Public Group) as the Message recipients.
  2. Choose Preview Message.

Nixle Message Preview And Send PageThe Preview Message page shows how the message will appear in the formats selected (SMS, Email & Web Message, or both).

  1. Choose Edit Message to make any changes to the message.
  2. If the message appears as desired, choose Send Message. This immediately publishes and distributes the message to the Nixle Wire subscribers.
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