Nixle: Moderating and Disabling Nixle Web Message Facebook Comments


How does commenting work?

How can I remove a specific comment from a Nixle web message?

How can I disable the commenting feature to prevent anyone from doing so?


  • Nixle Support can moderate only the comments posted on the web link message of a publication.
  • Comments which appear on your agency's Facebook posts can be moderated only by your Facebook account administrator.

By default, comments are enabled for users to comment on web messages that are published by your agency once Facebook posting permissions have been granted.

Also Post On FB Checkbox
  • A comment can be posted on a web message by entering text in the text box and choosing Post.
  • If the checkbox next to Also post on Facebook is selected, the comment will post on the user's Facebook profile, but not on the original post shared by your agency.

Facebook Comment ModerationTo remove a specific comment from a Nixle web message, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Choose My Account from the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Choose Account Information from the menu bar.
  4. Choose Facebook Comments Administration.
  5. Select the message that contains the comment you want removed from the dropdown menu next to Choose the Message.
    1. Comments are displayed with your agency's most recent message on top.
    2. Deactivated messages are unavailable for comment moderation as their web links are not publicly visible.
  6. Enter your moderation requests in the text box. Examples of specification include:
    1. hiding comments containing certain phrases
    2. hiding comments authored by certain users
    3. hiding comments posted within a certain date range
  7. Choose Submit Request.

To disable the commenting feature, follow these steps:

  • Disabling the commenting feature will prevent any user from being able to comment on your agency's web messages.
  • If a publication is shared to your agency's Facebook account, users will still be able to comment on the shared post.
  • Disabling the commenting feature removes the feature for all of your agency's active messages.
  • When the commenting feature is disabled, all existing comments will no longer be publicly visible; if and when the commenting feature is re-enabled, all existing comments will be publicly visible again.
  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Choose My Account from the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Choose Account Information from the menu bar.
  4. Choose Facebook Comments Administration.
  5. Choose Disable Facebook Comments for all alerts.
    1. To re-enable the commenting feature, choose Enable Facebook Comments for all alerts.
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