Nixle: Benefits of Geo-Targeting Nixle Messages


Why should I geo-target a Nixle Message?


  • The geo-targeting feature is only available on the Nixle Engage and Nixle 360 platforms.
  • The geo-targeting feature is only necessary when attempting to target a message to a smaller portion of your city or town.
  • If you wish to notify all residents in your jurisdiction, select your Nixle Wire group as your message recipients instead of geo-targeting them.

Geo-targeting a Nixle message allows for specific distribution of the message in the event that the recipients are residents of a certain location only.

Further benefits of using the geo-targeting feature include:

  • Geo-targeting messages ensures the maximum relevance to your intended audience.
  • Residents have a higher interest in local news and events.
  • Geo-targeting messages keeps your residents more locally engaged.

For more information please contact Nixle Sales at 1-877-649-5362 or send an email to

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