Creating A New Nixle Agency User



How do I create and invite a new user to Nixle? 


To be able to create a new Agency User in Nixle, an Agency Admin with Administrator permissions is required to invite the new user. 

If there are no Administrators available in the Agency, please contact the Account Manager or Nixle Technical Support.
Contact information for Nixle Technical Support can be found in
Nixle: Technical Support Services Guide.

Agency Admin's (with Administrator permissions) can follow the steps below to invite a new user:  

1. Login to
2. Select My Account in the top right-hand corner

3. Click the Users tab 
4. Select the blue Invite New User button 

5. Enter the new user's Full Name and Email Address

  • Optionally, include the User's Title and Division

6.Select the Permissions required for the new user

  • Administrator for Agency (Administrators can invite new users & change account settings)
  • Private Group Permissions (User can create, manage, and publish to private groups)
  • Public Group Permissions (User can create, manage, and publish to public groups)
  • Tipping (User can view anonymous tips and interact with tipsters via email and text message)

7. Click Send Invitation 
8. The new user will then receive an invitation to register with a username and password 

NOTE: The new user will not appear in the users tab until after they are registered.

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