Nixle: Message Web Link


What is the link that appears below my text (SMS) message for? What does it do?

Can the text portion of my message be a link to the entire message?

Can I remove the link from my text messages?



Web links are not available for text messages sent only to private groups. Messages sent to both public and private groups that include delivery by text message will have the web link available, and the web message will be publicly accessible.

SMS Message With Web LinkA link to the web message is automatically created for text messages. This web link appears below each text message and directs your agency subscribers to the web message. This publicly accessible web page can be viewed by members of your community.

SMS Web Link Warning

If you are creating a message and you do not want the web link in your text message, there are two methods to prevent the web link's availability:

  1. Send the message to private groups only.
  2. Exceed the character limit when creating the SMS (Text Message) portion of your message.
    1. A web link needs 21 characters to be included.
    2. If your text message exceeds a total of 117 characters, the web link can not be made available.
    3. You will receive a warning message if you exceed the 117 character limit.
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