Nixle: Resolving Facebook Permission Issues


Why is my Nixle agency unable to post to Facebook?

How do I resolve the permissions issue between my organization or business page on Facebook and Nixle?


Recently, Facebook changed how their organization and business pages interact with third-party applications such as Nixle. Changes like this often result in Nixle messages not automatically posting to the Facebook platform due to inadequate Facebook account permissions. To resolve these issues, please follow the steps outlined in this document


This guide follows two separate Facebook layouts. If your business or organization page layout is not consistent with the "Facebook New Page Layout" section below, please proceed to the "Facebook Old Page Layout" section. The steps found under the "Re-syncing Nixle & Facebook" section need to be followed by all users.

Facebook New Page Layout

1. Log into Facebook using the account you typically use to access your agency's page. Navigate to your agency's page by clicking on your agency's name, click on the three dots on the page, and select Page and Tagging Settings
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2. In the top toolbar, choose the Settings tab.
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3. Choose New Pages experience.
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4. On the right side of the page, click on Add New.
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5. Enter the name or email address of the person you would like to add as your agency's Facebook page administrator. This email address must already be associated with a personal Facebook account.
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6. Once you've selected Give Access you will be prompted to re-enter your password.
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When this is correctly provisioned, the name on the individual's Facebook account will appear (as seen here with "Devi kongara"). If it is just the email, the permissions will not work.
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Re-syncing Nixle & Facebook

1. Using the new browser tab, log in to your Nixle agency account, navigate to My Account > Account InformationFacebook Settings. If your account is currently synced, you will need to choose the Revoke Permissions button before proceeding to Step 2. 
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2. Next, click on the Connect with Facebook button to sync Nixle and Facebook.

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3. Select Fan Page: [your agency's Facebook name]. You can also select Your Facebook Wall if you want Nixle posts to go to the page administrator's personal Facebook wall (though this is rarely done).
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4. Choose the Select Destination(s) button to sync your Nixle and Facebook accounts.

5. Double check that under Location it shows your agency's Facebook page and any other pages you selected in Step 4.
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At this point, your Facebook and Nixle account should be properly synced and working correctly. If you have any questions, please email them to (

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