Nixle: Troubleshooting Guide for Message Center and Groups


Troubleshooting Guide for Publications & Groups.



See the table below for explanations of common issues and requests for Agencies, and the steps to resolve them.


Troubleshooting Steps

Nixle group types.

Groups make it easy to organize your contacts and easily target them when sending messages. There are two types of groups available:

  • Public Groups - offer an "open registration" process for members of your community.
  • Private Groups - are designed for internal communications.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Group Types

Creating a new public or private group.                                                                                   

Creating and organizing groups is an effective way to easily target your contacts when sending messages. Groups can also contain subgroups, which are perfect for managing subset distribution lists specific to each group. Each group can have three subgroups.

To create a group, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Choose Groups from the menu bar.
  3. Choose the desired type of group to create by clicking either Public Groups or Private Groups from the sub-menu bar.
  4. Choose Create New Group from the right-hand side.
  5. Enter the Group Name.
  6. Enter the group Description
  7. Assign the group a Parent Group to make the new group a subgroup of it; or, leave the field empty to make the new group a parent group.
  8. Create Group Keyword
  9. Click Create Group.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Creating a Nixle Group

Changing the Type of a Nixle Group.

To change a group's type, a new group would need to be created as desired. 
All contact, keyword and description information would need to be entered again into the newly created group.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Changing the Type of a Nixle Group

Updating groups.

To be able to make changes to any of the agency groups in a Nixle Agency, the agency will require an Agency Admin with Group permissions.

To update the group, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Select the Groups tab.
  3. Locate the Group to edit and click on the User-added imageicon
  4. The following can be edited in the Group:
    • Group Name
    • Contact Source
    • Parent Group
    • Description
    • Keyword
  5. Click Save Group.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Updating Groups

Organizing group contacts.

There are a number of ways to organize the contacts for the public and private Nixle groups and subgroups.
The following ways will help to organize the groups:

  • Moving Contacts
  • Adding Contacts to Groups
  • Deleting Contacts from Groups
  • Downloading Contact Information

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Organizing Nixle Group Contacts

Adding contacts to the groups.

Once the public or private group has been created, contacts can be added individually or in bulk.
See below for the possible way to upload contacts to the Nixle groups:
  • Adding Contacts by Upload.
  • Adding Contacts by Input.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Adding New Contacts to a Public or Private Nixle Group Individually or in Bulk

Moving Contacts.

Moving a contact removes the contact from the current group and places them in a newly selected group. To move one or more contacts from one group to another, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Choose Groups from the menu bar.
  3. Select either Public Groups or Private Groups from the sub-menu.
  4. Choose the numerical value from the Contacts column for the group of the contact you wish to move.
  5. Select the contacts you wish to move by choosing the checkboxes to the left of their names. If you wish to move all of the contacts in the group, choose Select All.
  6. Select Move from the left-hand side and choose the desired group to move the contacts to.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Organizing Nixle Group Contacts

Deleting Contacts from Groups.

Deleting a contact from a group removes the contact from the current group only. A contact deleted from a group will remain in any other groups they belong to. To delete one or more contacts from a group, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Choose Groups from the menu bar.
  3. Select either Public Groups or Private Groups from the sub-menu.
  4. Choose the numerical value from the Contacts column for the group of the contact you wish to delete.
  5. Select the contacts you wish to delete by choosing the checkboxes to the left of their names. If you wish to delete all of the contacts from the group, choose Select All.
  6. Select Delete from the left-hand side of the screen.
  7. Choose Delete.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Organizing Nixle Group Contacts

Downloading Contact Information.

Downloading the collected contact information for a group provides a CSV file that contains the following information provided for each of a group's contacts: full name, home phone number, mobile phone number, email address, external ID, contact creation date, last updated date and source of group inclusion.

To download the collected contact information for a group, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Choose Groups from the menu bar.
  3. Select either Public Groups or Private Groups from the sub-menu.
  4. Choose the numerical value from the Contacts column for the group to download contact information from.
  5. Select Download from the left-hand side of the screen.
  6. Select Download.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Organizing Nixle Group Contacts


Viewing group statistics and recent opt ins.


To view the number of subscribers in a public, private, or the Nixle Wire group, please follow the steps listed below:

  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Choose Groups from the menu bar.
  3. Choose Public Groups or Private Groups from the sub-menu bar.
  4. The Contacts column will show the number of subscribers for each group in the agency. Clicking on the number will display a list of the group's contacts.

The reporting tab also shows the number of subscribers each group has. It also shows the day-to-day number of new subscribers for each group. The reporting tab can be accessed by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Choose Reporting from the menu bar.
  3. Click Week Back Icon to view the number of subscribers for previous weeks, and Week Forward Icon for successive weeks.
  4. Choosing between Total Subscribers, SMS Subscribers, Email Subscribers, and Voice Subscribers filters each day's number of subscribers to that subscription type.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Viewing Group Statistics


Message Center

See the table below for explanations of common issues and requests for Agencies, and the steps to resolve them.


Troubleshooting Steps

Publication message types.

Selecting the correct message type is extremely important when creating a new publication.
See below for the different types of messages for the Nixle publications.

  •  Alert - Alert messages are reserved for critically important information where loss of life and/or property is potentially imminent.
  • Advisory - Advisory messages are intended to communicate important, need-to-know information
  • Community - Community messages convey everyday local news, happenings, and developments.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Message Types.

Creating a new publication.

To create a new publication in Nixle, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Click on the Message Center tab from the menu bar.
  3. Select the Message Type.
  4. Choose the following delivery methods as required:
    • SMS (text) message, check the corresponding checkbox and enter the message.
    • Email and web message, check the corresponding checkbox.
  5. Click the corresponding checkbox next to Include contact information specific to this message.
  6. Select the Public and Private groups that will receive the publication.
  7. Choose Preview Message.
  8. Choose Edit Message to make any changes to the message.
  9. If your message appears as desired, choose Send Message.

To find out more, see knowledge articles Nixle: Creating New Nixle Engage & Nixle 360 Messages or Nixle: Creating New Nixle Connect Messages

Scheduling Nixle publications to send in the future.

Nixle publications can be scheduled to send in the future.
Follow the steps below to schedule a publication in Nixle:

  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Select Create Message.
  3. Select a Message Type.
  4. Enter the Message Subject and Message Body.
  5. Select the Message Recipients.
  6. Select the radio button next to Schedule for Future Delivery.
  7. Enter a Date and Time for the message to be sent.
  8. Click Preview Message.
  9. Review the message and click the Schedule Message button.
To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Scheduling Nixle Messages to Be Sent in the Future

Sending Nixle publications to recipients using the Everbridge Mobile App.


Nixle publications sent to the Nixle Wire (Main Public Group) will route the message to Everbridge Mobile App ZIP code subscribers.
Follow the steps below to send a publication to the Everbridge app:
  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Click Message Center.
  3. Select the Message Type.
  4. Select the checkbox next to Email & Web Message and enter the Message Subject and the Message Body.
  5. Select the checkbox next to the Nixle Wire public group.
  6. Click Preview Message.
  7. Click Send Message.

This will immediately publish and distribute the message to ZIP code subscribers using the Everbridge Mobile App.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Can a Nixle message be sent to recipients using the Everbridge Mobile App?

Translating Nixle publications to Spanish. Nixle supports Spanish translation of SMS, Email Subject and Email Body of a publication. In order to receive a translated message, a subscriber must opt in to receive publications in Spanish.  To translate a publication from English to Spanish, follow the steps below:
  • Translating SMS Messages
  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Click on the Message Center.
  3. Select the Message Type.
  4. To send a SMS (text) message, select the checkbox next to SMS (Text Message) and enter the message in the text box.
  5. To translate, select Spanish from the dropdown menu.
  6. Complete the rest of the message as desired and click Preview Message.
  7. Click Send Message.
  • Translating Email and Web Messages
  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Click on the Message Center.
  3. Select the Message Type.
  4. To include an email and web message, select the checkbox next to Email & Web Message and enter the Message Subject.
  5. To translate, select Spanish from the dropdown menu.
  6. Complete the rest of the message as desired and click Preview Message.
  7. Click Send Message.
To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: How are publications translated from English to Spanish?

Supported attachment file types for Nixle publications.

Supported attachment file types differ between the Nixle platforms:
  • Connect: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png
  • Engage & 360: .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png
To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Supported Attachment File Types

Sending a Nixle IPAWS Message.

Once an agency receives its credentials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to send an IPAWS message, the message must adhere to specific guidelines.
  • Message Type must be Alert.
  • Severity must be Extreme or Severe.
  • Urgency should be Immediate.
  • Certainty should be Observed.
To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Sending a Nixle IPAWS Message

Nixle publications integration with Google.

If a public safety agency issues a Common Alert Protocol-compliant alert message using Nixle publication, the message may qualify for publication to Google Public Alerts.
Qualifying messages are automatically sent to Google for publication on their Public Alerts platform.

Messages approved for Google broadcast can be seen when directly searched for on Google Search and Google Maps.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Google Integration

Creating a Nixle message widget.


Adding a Nixle message widget is an effective way to drive your website visitors to register for your Nixle agency.
Follow these steps to create your message widget:
  1. Log in to your agency at
  2. Choose Message Center from the menu bar.
  3. Choose Message Widgets from the sub-menu bar.
  4. Choose Create New Message Widget.
  5. Enter a Widget Name.
  6. Select the desired message types for your widget to display by checking the checkboxes.
  7. Set the Widget Height and Widget Width.
  8. Choose the color scheme for your widget.
  9. Choose Preview Widget.
  10. Choose Save Widget and Generate Code to access the HTML code for your widget.
  11. Copy and paste the code for your widget into your website's HTML.
To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Creating a Message Widget

Viewing sent messages statistics.

To download a CSV file with an individual message's statistics use the instructions in the "Single Message Delivery Statistics" section.
If you require one for all of your sent messages, use the instructions in the "All Message Delivery Statistics" section.

To find out more, see knowledge article Nixle: Viewing Sent Messages Statistics
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